Saturday, November 17, 2007

October 2007

And Now A Word From Our Prez…

Well ladies, it is an honor to be president and I can only hope that I can lead our growing club to some great times over the course of the year! I have a few goals for us this year and thought that I would take the first president’s message to lay them out, so here it goes!

After attending the executive seminar earlier in the month I am fired up for entering our club and/or our club members in some of the Kin Awards. Although I don’t feel the outcome is all that important (but rather the effort that goes into trying), I want us to try for at least three awards. To get us started, I have just begun working on the Stettler Kinettes’ very own website and hope to enter it for the National Website Award. It is far from finished yet, but you can check it out at:

To view the site just type in the address above. To alter the website you have to sign in. Username is and the password is stettler. In the near future I would love it if you could give me some input as to what you’d like to see on it, if you could pass along some pics, etc. Go on the National website, read about each of the awards and what is required, talk to Brenda Vegter and get started right away! You never know, we just might win!

Next, I would like to see us have a few more fun nights. If you are hosting one month, try to plan a game for each meeting, tell a few jokes, set up a fun activity – whatever, as long as it gets us laughing! I would love to go on a road trip as a club. Maybe we go to another club’s Ladies Night Out or meeting night, maybe we just head to Red Deer for a night on the town. Maybe we could even go bowling, swimming, try to cook something…it’s all up to you.

Last one…(and hopefully this will be the easiest goal of all)…is for us all to get to know each other better, for us to respect that we are all different but have come together for the same reasons, and that we all have a lot to gain from learning about our differences. Let’s have a great year, make great friends and serve the community’s greatest need by being the best role models and leaders we can be!

Yours in Kin
Sara Wengryn

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